Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The past 4 months have been the most emotional 4 months of my life. They have been filled with the most ups and downs and life lessons. I figured instead of only writing to myself I should share with everyone else to, who knows,it might help. For the most part everyone knows the grueling details of November 15th 2013, the day the forever changed our lives. You get into this mode of thinking nothing "like that" can or will happen to you or your family..well life showed me otherwise... I remember helping Collin pack his clothes to go hunting that Wednesday the 13th, we talked about his trip and had a pillow fight on his bed..I just remember thinking how proud I was of him and how fast time was going. The next morning Collin and Jamie woke up super early to leave to go hunting. They were really excited to get up north. Collin was packing the truck with all their stuff. I got up and said my goodbyes and gave them kisses. I talked to Jamie that day but not Collin...the next day was November 15th...Jamie and Collin spent the morning hunting so I just left them alone with every intention on calling and checking in that evening only I didn't get a chance to...I was picking Devon up off the bus at 4pm that afternoon and my phone rang,Jamie was paniced and didn't know what to say.. All he said was "something is wrong with Collin, he is unconscious and at the hospital"..What do you mean unconscious?? Did he fall? Pass out? Hit his head?  We had no ideal the nightmare that was before us. They told us 4 different senioros of what it could be,diabetic coma,seizure, high blood pressure...then they did a cat scan..they found a anerisum on my sons brain along with a blood clot…at that hosptial they bascially shut the place down for Collin.they did everything they could for him. They had to sedate him and air flight him to Children's in Detroit...I beat the flight, and Jamie here..I didn't know what to say walking in here..I came thru the ER and they brought me to what would be our home for the next 30 days..the PICU..from there my parents came and we just waited...finally these Doctors came out they asked all kinds of questions about Collin before.. I had to call Jamie..they took me to Collin and I just wanted to fall to my knees... He had every machine hooked to him,every Dr around him,nurses and he was in a was bad..and they were throwing papers in front of me to sign and I was hearing what they were saying but not comprehending was a blur,I just kept looking at Collin...looking at my baby...then I had to go wait some more in the family room.. I don't do waiting very well..Jamie made a 5hr drive in 3hrs..I don't know how but he did.and calm too. He handled all this calmly. He is stronger then me. They took us to the 2nd floor and showed us Collins cat scan..and all I seen was this blured was on my sons brain...I just held my husband and cried..I cried so hard and took 3 he's for them to try and coil it thru his groin with no success, then another 5hrs to open his skull
and remove it..once Dr.Sood said it was gone I was releaved, I had no clue what lay before us. We are 103 days into our journey and still in the hospital and still praying daily. I promise not every blog will be this long..thanks for reading our story 🙏

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